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Ready to move out of chaos?


Time to access life's magic?

- Do you feel unempowered, frustrated, maybe angry?

- Do you yearn for something more out of life?

- Have you looked for answers only to be disappointed?

- Do you think, or are you told, these are 'first world problems' and you should     just get over it?


- Reclaim your life

- Identify and free yourself from your patterns

- Connect to the real you

- Find and finally value your unique gifts

- Give you the power to run your own life


Ready to move out of chaos?

Ready to access Life's magic?


You have to feel it to heal it

Heart Retrieval practices techniques that will break your entrenched patterns that prevent you from responding to your life with love.

In doing so you will learn to overcome triggers, drop the story, and free yourself from old baggage that has tied you in knots.  You can enjoy becoming uniquely you, all through the intelligence of your own breath.

The Thrive coaching process uses a feeling-based approach, based on scientific research that has demonstrated that emotional wounds are held in the body and can be healed when they are fully felt and experienced. 

By understanding that these heart woundings are blocked energy, you can work towards feeling them and releasing them. The processes help you to understand where the wound came from and how it has instigated patterns in your life that repeat to recreate the wound.  By  identifying these you can break the pattern, heal the wound and free yourselves from triggers and any negative reactions to them.

You are then free to focus on your heart's desires and making the life you want.

The breath is essential to your process as it allows the movement of energy and emotion in the body, it is the key to accessing to your body’s intelligence for healing.

Girl Hiking in Mountains

Know where you are at, right now

Guidance & Accountability through this
life changing 14 week course.

Stone Tower

Regain your balance:
Resolve a current trigger through identifying the pattern and getting to the source of the wound to heal it.

Allow the intelligence of your breath to heal your deepest wounds. Learn your life lessons, reclaim control your life and move forward with a full heart.


Heart Retrieval's Mary Baddeley

Experienced Emotional Intelligence Therapist


Hello!  My name is Mary Baddeley.

I’m a Thrive Coach and Breathwork Practitioner.

I can help you connect to your unique truth. 

I can do this because I’ve spent a lifetime of delving into my own truth to find the value in myself and thus find my own power.  It would be my pleasure to work with you to find your own truth about you and the freedom that comes with that.

Mary Baddley has 15 years’ experience exploring the truth of who we are. She has taught: Your Beautiful Life Classes and studied Yoga and Meditation.


She is a Certified Core Clearing Practitioner, has completed a Certificate IV Level in Breathwork and is registered with the Australian Breathwork Association.

"I consent to being in the presence of gratitude and to practicing appreciation"

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Rave Reviews

Happy Clients

I love Mary Baddeley. Firstly, through YBL, then Core Clearings and Breathwork, Mary has taught me to listen inside myself, to  my heart and not my mind to find my answers; to witness and recognise my patterning; and not to fear my emotions but see them as energy that needs to be felt and released.

Her honesty, depth, integrity and determination has inspired me to continue to ‘do the work’: to keep letting go, accept myself, and see my value and hence find joy in life.

Angela Hawdon

Mary has been instrumental in guiding me to discover personal truths that had been buried. 

She has been nurturing and gentle and our journey together,

Amanda Kelly

Mary is genuinely caring and kind. These qualities make her really easy to talk to. Her teachings, support and understanding have helped me open up to heal past hurts, to become happier and more open to life. With Mary’s help I have achieved greater clarity and perspective; I’m open to feeling more joy and dealing with life’s challenges with greater ease and flow. I can definitely recommend a session with Mary.

Carla Haydon

What can I say about Mary that truly reflects her ability as a facilitator and supporter of my personal growth? She is patient, open, caring and loving, she shows no judgement or investment in the outcome, she simply holds the space for me to explore and come to my own conclusions. What more could I want from someone who I trust to help me on my journey called life.
If you take one thing from me it would be this, invest in yourself and have sessions with Mary, your heart and your world will expand.

Alison Hawkins

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